Hi there, I found this recipe somewhere on the net. I don't know whether all these recipes are authentic or not. Maybe you can just give them a try. I'll try to put more believed-to-be KFC recipe soon. Oh, not only KFC, I'll try to find any popular fast food recipes to add to the list. Well, enjoy your food...

Sunday, June 22, 2008



2 potatoes peeled and cooked
2/3 cup frozen peas
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 carrots peeled and cooked
2 tablespoons frozen onion
2 cups of cooked chicken dash of salt and pepper and Msg


In a bowl combine all cooked vegetables and chicken add the cream of chicken soup and seasoning. The mixture should be thick but not to thick if the mixture is to thick add some milk to the mixture. Scoop the mixture into individual pie pans. Use the biscuit recipe in this book to make the crust. Roll out the dough thin and place on top then brush with butter. Bake in a 375 F oven for 15 to 25 minutes or until it is heated threw and the crust is golden brown.

Colonel Sanders loved rice and beans and decided to create a recipe that could be used together to create a great tasting item. You can mix it or have the beans on the bottom and rice on top and mix as you eat.

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